Recent Posts

Degree show/Thank fuck

Managed to somehow get hold of about a gazillion t.v's if i need them.

I reckon i'm going to use 8 as a stack and make some sort of genius video to go along with them.

After researching people i did see this by Marina Abrovic:

I will pretend i never saw it and keep thinking i am being o.g



still need a job but for now i am off to spend and worry about it later!

More slack...

Due to still being poor... still being jobless and the weather being shit i have not blogged recently.

Come monday i am back at college,

Come monday i am back in money,

Come monday i shall be doing exciting things again!

Also i have to decorate a 3ft crab... will post up the final outcome as and when.

happy easter..

Happy easter....

We have no chocolate here apart from chocolate digestives which is rubbish.

I hope you're all enjoying eggs bought buy a big bunny to celebrate a dead carpenter.

heres an easter egg from Extras.