Recent Posts


Edward does not give 10

Drukq hands

The Hostess with the mostess

Bloody Sexy


Demented old circus monkey.


New trousers...

Rather than show a picture this basically explains the jist..

Just need to buy more white socks...

Stick to decorating

cause trying to skate in Norwich is shite..

Edward and William Peck

Just Found these marvelous pictures..

Sexy Will Peck

Old man Edward..

Sheringham skate park......

The Strip - Sheringham Skatepark from Maverick Skateparks on Vimeo.

Will be amazing!

It's happening


Things are ok for now..

Got some tattoos... Got some Roast in my belly... Got some money in my pocket....

Things be alright for now.


Today i have some work to do.

I wish i wasn't doing it as i have not worked in a resteraunt for many a year and i really fucking hate waitering....

Maybe i shall be a dick of a waiter..?

My dreams came true!!

Today i finally got to enjoy a Blazin' boxmaster...

Thing are looking up, i got a small cash injection from my mother dearest, she is also taking me for a little food supply shop tomorrow, i have some waitering work tomorrow night, and on sunday i am getting some tattoo action followed by some roast action!

Good times.


I would love to have one of these more than anything (not quite anything but more than alot of things)...

Just went to good old Yarko with Matthew and Stickman Thomas...

i can't wait for summer time and our new park to be built!

Four Pounds

Officially in money troubles... Need to conjure up enough money for next months rent and this is all i have to help.

If i can't find anything else to sell i may have to sell my body.

Some good news


If you don't know, now you know.

Work time

I need to:
a) Get a job and do some work
b) Get a camera and do some artwork.

Today i shall do at least one of them...



£15 will not last 2 months.

Frogs legs

Steven doing what steven does best.

There is magic in them there frog's legs!

More done...

Been helping Britters with her work for assessment, as you can see it looks pretty amazing...

Got a first for my assessment, if i had the wizardry i would upload it.... i shall try and figure it out. Twas my first First so i was specially pleased..

And in good summer time new Norwich skatepark has finally started!!... seen here being hand built by Sam from drugstore himself!